Rachael Gunn

THIS IS NOT A SCAM: Youโ€™ve just won Sports Star Of The Year! How does it feel to cop this title?
Haha it's totally wild! It's not something I was ever expecting, but I'm absolutely stoked to be honest!
Can you describe your reaction to winning title through emojis? ย ๐Ÿ‘ป
Back in 2023 you qualified for the Paris 2024 Olympics for Breaking!!! How sick! Can you tell us about how that qualifying process went and how you prepared for the big comp?
Yeah it was really tough tbh because for so long we weren't sure whether we were going to get a direct qualification or not, so I was also flying to a tonne of international competitions trying to get world ranking points just in case.
Then the event was confirmed with only 6 weeks to prepare, and I was heading to a comp in Europe in the middle of that.
Even though I had won the majority of national bgirl competitions in recent years, and had been number 1 ranked Australian bgirl in 2020 and 2022, I couldn't take any chances - I really had to up my preparation. So I really focused on preparing as much material as possible.
At the Oceania Championships, I had to do 9 rounds over 2 days, and I didn't want to repeat any of my moves or combos so I could show my range of vocabulary.
In the lead up I would also battle my 'Vanguards of Style' crewmates so I could practice my combos at intensity and work on my freestyle. I got the top-ranked preliminary set so I had a good run for the knockout stage, and I think my range of vocab paid off in the end.
Not at all! This is so interesting especially as a former dance girlie! I'm so stoked it's become an Olympic sport.
Actually on the topic of being a former dance girlie, are you willing to rate my baby freeze from one to five stars? I feel like my cheeky move deserves to be judged by Australia's biggest dance gun! Okay sending her through now heehehehhe.
As a baby freeze... not strong - your hips are way too high. But what you're doing is actually more difficult haha. So as a freeze I give it 4 stars โญ๏ธ (can't give it 5 without seeing a video haha).
Jumping right into the next question, I realise that a lot of breaking athletes have the best nicknames. I'm so obsessed with your one, which I believe is Raygun! I'd love to know, how did the name come about and when you head to the Olympics, will athletes be introduced through their breaking names?
Yeah for sure. Some of the breakers who have qualified have really distinct breaking names like Bboy Hong 10 or Bgirl Logistx, while others just use their first name, like Bgirl Vanessa or Bboy Lee. But that's what you're going to see on the screen. I have no idea what anyone's last names are ๐Ÿ˜‚
Oh my god, I love the mystery of it all! HAHA Breaking and Skateboarding are probably the best things to happen to the Olympics. How has it been prepping for the upcoming games and do you have a special move on lockdown for when the time is right?
Yeah it's been so exciting to be part of this new era of the Olympics. I absolutely loved watching the skateboarding in Tokyo! The preparation has been really intense.
I've incorporated a lot more weights and cardio into my weekly regime. I've also been trying to get a lot more difficult/dynamic moves into my repertoire - so power moves and freezes.
On top of that, I've been trying to clean up my form in top rock (standing part of the dance) and footwork (when you're in a squat - table top position), and improve my musicality. So it's been really intense trying to do so much in a short amount of time. But I just wanna go out there and do my absolute best, and show them what Aussies are made of๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป
100% For a majority of punters, Breaking is a whole new realm for them. What is the most simple way you could describe breaking for those who may not know what it is?
It has the difficulty of gymnastics, the character and performativity of the Nicholas Brothers tap era, the effortlessness of skateboarding, and the responsiveness to your opponent like a debate... and that's getting kind of close ๐Ÿค”
I bloody love that HAHAHAHA!

Do you have a favourite song to break too?
It has the difficulty of gymnastics, the character and performativity of the Nicholas Brothers tap era, the effortlessness of skateboarding, and the responsiveness to your opponent like a debate... and that's getting kind of close ๐Ÿค”
That sounds so fun and stressful! Lastly, do you have any plans post-Olympics comp? ๐Ÿฅน
Yeah I'm actually staying in Europe for a month with my partner (he's also a breaker and has been teaching me since I started!). We're going to a few breaking comps and we're also going to do a little creative residency or two cos we're working on a dance show (hopefully ready in 2025!). Oh and hopefully some R&R ๐Ÿ˜‚
Omg breaking power couple, we love to see it!
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